Inspired Writing

“The mind, when housed within a healthful body, possesses a glorious sense of power.”

  • A Tribute To My Pilates Mentor: Romana Kryzanowska

    A Tribute To My Pilates Mentor: Romana Kryzanowska

    There are certain events in your life that make an indelible impression in your memory. One such encounter for me was, the very first time I entered the Pilates Studio of New York in 1998 and was mesmerized at the unfolding scene. The room I saw was filled with 9 reformers (Pilates equipment) and 9…

  • Healing an injury

    Healing an injury

    NY TIMES: PERSONAL HEALTH BY JANE BRODY July 28, 2009 A Twisted Ankle Isn’t Just a Simple Sprain A sprained ankle is one of the most common joint injuries, prompting many people to consider it “just a sprain” and not treat it with the respect it deserves. The too-common consequence of this neglect is a…

  • Less is More

    Less is More

    The term “powerhouse” refers to our cummerbund which encircles our ribcage between the waist and hips. In that powerhouse lies the core of our muscles. Easy enough to understand. How to engage it properly while organizing proper breathing and adding to that the possibility of tight hamstrings or hips is a complex feat. On top…

  • Helping Inflexibility

    Traditional or classical Pilates is the syllabus of exercises designed by Joseph Pilates, “tried and true” by nature of its creator. Teachers who were taught by Romana Kryzanowska and her daughter Sari know that these exercises were not to be changed or new ones instituted in lieu of them. Knowing this if a client cannot…

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